Many Fortnite players may be wondering where to collect coins in Rocketeer Ruins for the fresh challenge, which was released as part of the new Fortnite x Rocket League collaboration.
The crossover, which arrived on Tuesday, November 15, at 10 AM Eastern Time, comes with many new tasks that you can complete. Each quest grants 20,000 XP, which is perfect for leveling up the Battle Pass.
Furthermore, by completing eight High Octane quests, you will unlock four new cosmetic items for free. These challenges are available until the end of the season, meaning that you have more than enough time to complete them.
This article will explain where to collect coins in Rocketeer Ruins. This is one of the challenges that has to be done in the Creative mode, and we have prepared a step-by-step guide for you.
To collect coins in Rocketeer Ruins, you need to join Fortnite Creative
Rocketeer Ruins is a new Fortnite Creative map that you will have to join in order to complete the challenge. The Fortnite x Rocket League quests are split between Battle Royale modes and Creative, but most of them have to be done in custom maps.
Fortunately, Epic Games has released the Octane car into Battle Royale modes as well. The car has been available in Creative mode since the v22.10 update, which is why there are so many amazing maps with it.
Here are all the steps you need to take to collect coins in Rocketeer Ruins:
1) Join the Rocketeer Ruins map
There are multiple ways to enter the map, but the easiest one is by entering the island code. To do this, open the game mode selection menu and switch to the Island Code tab. There, enter 5620-6416-3977 and launch the game.
Additionally, you may open the quest log, select High Octane Quests, and find the quest that requires you to collect coins in Rocketeer Ruins. After selecting it, you need to press the View Experience button in the bottom-right corner to join the map.
2) Pass through the portal
Once you get into a match, you will have to pass through the green portal to join other players. When you first enter the map, you will be in the pre-game lobby, but the portal will take you to the main area where you can complete the quest.
As soon as you enter the portal, you will be placed inside an Octane car.
3) Locate and collect coins
There are many coins scattered around the custom island. To collect them, you will first have to locate them, which can be somewhat tricky. Most of them can be found next to hardpoints, and a few of them are located at the edge of the map.
To collect coins, you simply need to pass through them with your car. Once you collect eight of them in total, the challenge will be completed and you will earn 20,000 XP.
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