Dubai Bling star Zeina's husband Hanna Azzi's appearance on the show has made him subject to growing curiosities. The show takes us into the lives of Dubai's wealthy families and makes us vicariously live through them.
Zeina Khoury is at the forefront with the people carrying the show. According to sources at Realitytitbit, she started with $300 when she first came to Dubai and has now managed to amass more than $300,000! Thanks to the real estate company she founded.
She's also called the Queen of Versace for her love for the brand and the pride she wears it with. Hanna and Zeina both stem from Lebanon; although he was raised in Canada as his family left Lebanon when he was young.
After studying in multiple countries including Canada and Switzerland, Azzi is working in the hospitality sector at the center of the world, Dubai. His net worth reflects his perseverance and hard work, as it shines above a whopping $2 million, according to Realitytitbit.
Hanna Azzi's education and career
Hanna Azzi did his schooling at Immaculata High School, which is a Catholic school in Ottawa, Canada. He then moved to Switzerland to study at the IHTTI School of Hotel Management.
After completing his graduation in 2003, Azzi went on to work for the Four Seasons hotel where he worked for five years until 2008. He then decided to expand his experiences and move on to other hotels.
He worked for Raffles which is known for its luxury and exotic locations, the Address Downtown Hotel in Dubai, and the prestigious St. Regis in Doha. His impressive resumé and experiences at all these hotels landed him his current job.
Nikki Beach is a favorite holiday destination for rich residents of Dubai and foreigners alike. Its pristine coastline lined with contemporary architectural marvels of properties, is sure to make one feel as though they were in the lap of luxury. Hanna Azzi managed the resorts since 2015.
In talks with Connecting Travel, Azzi spoke of his experiences within the hospitality industry. He said,
"What I’ve learnt most from these experiences is the importance of creating a fun, yet focused work ambience, which is respected and appreciated by all team members."He spoke of the importance of teamwork saying,
“We’ve had to come together as a team more than ever over the past couple of years. It just goes to show that if we encourage people, great things will happen.”Hanna Azzi was promoted to the Pearl Jumeirah site of Nikki Beach in 2018 where his expertise was needed with the newly developed luxury hotel.
Zeina Khoury's career
Zeina is Lebanese like her husband and she left the country as a result of growing political unrest. She graduated from Notre Dame University in Lebanon with a Business Administration degree and a specialization in banking and finance. She went on to study Digital Marketing at Columbia Business School which is an Ivy League school.
After working as a media host for several years, Zeina now owns her own company by the name of High Mark Real Estate and works as a CEO there. Her net worth is estimated at $310,000, according to Realitytitbit.
Hanna Azzi was seen in Dubai Bling when his Bumble profile was found. The turn of events that started with much shock, later settled down as Hanna reassured Zeina that it was a fake profile.
Hanna Azzi and Zeina Khoury remain a happy family of four with son Joe and daughter Alexa. They put great effort into making time for each other and the kids amidst their super busy schedules. Like most Dubai Bling stars Zeina also maintains an exciting Instagram account.
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