Crue Mcmahon Obituary, Soper Street Morrisonville, Visitation & Funeral Service


Crue Mcmahon Obituary, Death – It is with heavy hearts and profound sorrow that we come together to remember the life of young Crue Miles McMahon, who tragically passed away unexpectedly on Sunday, November 5, 2023. His untimely departure has left a void in the hearts of all who knew and loved him. Crue’s memory will forever be held in our hearts, and though his time with us was short, the impact he made was profound.

Crue was born on September 15, 2012, in Plattsburgh, New York, to his loving parents, Chris and Jennifer McMahon. In his eleven years of life, Crue brought joy, laughter, and an indomitable spirit to all those who had the privilege of knowing him. He was a bright light, a source of boundless energy, and a beacon of hope for his family and friends. A full obituary detailing Crue’s life, interests, and the beautiful memories he created will be posted when available. At this moment, we pause to remember a life taken too soon, a young soul who had so much more to offer to the world.

To honor and remember Crue, relatives and friends are invited to join us in paying their respects on Friday, November 10, 2023, from 5 to 7 PM at the Hamilton Funeral Home, located at 294 Mannix Road, Peru. This gathering will provide an opportunity to share memories, offer support, and celebrate the life of a beloved young individual who touched our lives in ways we will forever cherish.

Crue’s passing is a reminder of the fragile nature of life and the importance of treasuring every moment with our loved ones. His unexpected departure serves as a poignant reminder to hold our dear ones close and to appreciate the gift of every day. In closing, we extend our deepest condolences to Crue’s family, who are grappling with the unimaginable grief of losing a beloved son. May they find strength in the support of our community and the warm memories they hold of a remarkable young soul. Our thoughts and prayers go out to them during this period of mourning, and may Crue Miles McMahon’s soul rest in eternal peace.

